Special Offer: Focused Sales Coaching

Yes, Howard! I Want Unlimited 
Focused Sales Coaching With You For One Full Year
At Less than USD 85 per month

I understand the following

  • This offer is for live one-on-one coaching with Howard. We meet via zoom and agree on homework to move you forward
  • I can schedule as many 15-minute coaching sessions as I wish over the next year and I will complete my assignment before scheduling my next session. I can also reach out via email if I need help with my assignment, or have another call if I need a new assignment.
  • If during our first 30-minute strategy session, either of us feels this is not a fit, my money will be returned immediately. Zero Risk!

Order Summary

    Focused Sales Coaching - post webinar July 2023 $997 USD
    Redeem Coupon
    $997 USD

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        Do yourself a favor - work with Howard. You'll enjoy every minute and you certainly won't regret it one bit!

        Ardyce West, Book Author, Storyteller, Illustrator, Artist, Speaker, Transformational Life Coach


        Howard is unlike any other coach I've worked with - he constantly takes me forward - developing my online business strategies and results with  sales pearls of wisdom.

        John Doorbar, Teacher, Coach, Trainer


        The most valuable part of the laser coaching is Howard sharing his ideas for me to create videos in totally different ways. This is an out-of-the-box way of thinking for me to implement and has led to more spontaneity and more sales opportunities.

        Gord Isman, Video and YouTube Consultant